Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Basic Network 4.2

The diagram above is a client server network. The client/ server inputs information to be transferred using the transmission medium. Over the transmission medium are protocols, which are rules that give guidelines on how to transmit the information to the receiver/ server. There are two types of ways the information can be transmitted. Through cable, a wire connection or a physical pathway, or wireless, transmits through the air. After the information has been sent it goes through a process called digitizing, which converts the information into bits. This way the computer can decipher, and break down the information.

IFS H/W Infrastructure 4.1

In the image to the left, it shows that a person (human) entered the word Hello by using one of the information technologies (the keyboard). Because the computer does not understand the letters, it processes the information entered with the Processing Technologies. Such as the ALU (Arithmetic logic Unit) which adds, or compares the information entered. The information that was entered is translated to binary code, also known as machine language, so that the computer can understand it. It then passes through the CPU which holds the systems unit and control unit which schedules the events in outputing the information entered. The computer stores bits, bytes, and so forth. Finally the information is then translated to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) which is the unicode for outputing the information. The output is released translating to the word which was entered, hello.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cost Benefit Analysis 3.3

The purpose of this Cost Benefit Analysis Chart is to show how much your company has improved or declined in the years.
Other Proxy charts are different because sometimes they dont have all the details in what a value chart supposed to have.

Building A Buisness Case 3.2

Our company's decision maker should decide to implement your proposed information system changes by portraying the 3 F's , Faith, Fear, and Fact:

Faith: We believe as a company that our NetFlick Co. Information System will provide an appropiate, better, and faster customer service.
Fear:  If we dont go forth with doing our best in showing our best customer service, The biggest fear to have is the fear of losing our customers, and losing income. Which would result in running out of buisness.
Fact: In the first week of our opening buisness we reached a goal of making $1,000 everyweek for the past year

Value Chain Analysis 3.1

Above is a diagram of my comapany's Value Chain Analysis. This diagram shows the process in which to run our company, and how would be get it to run. We can add value by using these information systems because our company would be able to excel in more buisness, and it would help our company to run properly, faster, and smoother.

Automobile Industry 2.2

The Automobile Industry:

1.) How is Globalization 3.0 fueling change in the auto industry?
     - The Globalization of the Automobile industry would widespread, and it would be a world full of auto makers.The globalization of the world has become more homogeneous, where every thing has been the same.

2.)  Examine how cultural differences make it difficult to create a world car.
- Cultural differences make it difficult to create a world car because one auto industry can manifest in one state but manufactured in another country, making the globalization expand; building global networks all over many different countries.

Globalization Enablers 2.1

Reading this case study , I learned about the foundation of and the many features that it gives its users. enables the users to be able to share photos from all over , past , and present events. When visiting the website , it offers users the ability to upload pics, edit photos, and explore different photos.
3 enablers that allow Flickr to be able to use these services would be:
  •  Netscape went Public because it allows different data to be transported in many different areas of the internet.
  • Uploading because with Flickr you can upload many photos to the internet
  • In-forming because it allows you to be able to use the availible search engines

Organizational Chart 1.3

Above is the organizatonal chart formed by our group. We chose 3 jobs that seemed to be important to benefit our company. Our jobs; highlighted in purple, consists of Development, Support Manager, and Maintenance Manager are important because these jobs help create and form our company together. Below the 3 important jobs are other jobs that would fall under the main jobs. For example, under the Support Manager, you would have the IFS Auditor, DBA(Database Administrator), Network Administrator, and Security. These job would help support the company by checking the errors in the system, controlling the creation of the databases, controlling files that are being sent from the company, and protecting the servers an systems.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Collecting Data Information 1.2

Collecting Data for the NetFlick Inc Company is as follows: Obtaining the Customers Name, Account number, and Address. The information on the ticket will also identify the customer. Information including the movie title, theatre room number, section in which the movie is playing , the rating of the movie (G, PG, PG-13, R), and the designated times the movie is assigned.

The sales of the items sold in the theatre will be documented such as the date in which the movie is played or when the ticket was purchased, the total number of tickets that were sold that day , and the transaction number labeled on the receipt from the purchase.

Fictional Company Introduction 1.1

The name of our fictional company is called Netflick Inc. This is massive company that produces movies and run movie theatres. The company is located in 3 different states.; Richmond, VA, Baltimore, MD and California. The amount of employees needed are around 250 people at maximum. In order for this company to produce a profit, we must sell tickets, a variety of food and snacks, and an arcade for pure entertainment.