Tuesday, November 16, 2010

IS Security 7.1

Our company can be threatened by many different things. The many common threats to Information Systems Security are viruses, outside intruders, employees, Natural Disasters, and other Outside businesses. In order for our business to remain safe, there are several safe guards that can take into account. The Safeguards could include Physical Access Restrictions, Firewalls, and Encryption. Physical Access Restrictions meaning using some form of authentication; requiring passwords, etc. Firewalls is a type of private network that detects intrusions. Encryption is encoding messages so that the information going across the internet is secure.

Web 2.0 6.1

Our company NetFlix Co. could utilize the Web 2.0 pillars by being able to get our company across the internet. The Web 2.0 pillars that would be used are Utilizing the Web as a platform meaning being able to use the platform to expand your business across the internet. The second Web 2.0 pillar is Harnessing Collective Intelligence. This means that users can contribute and improve content on the Web. The third Web 2.0 pillar is Leveraging the Data which businesses utilize powerful data bases to make their decisions . The last Web 2.0 pillar is Implementing Innovative Web Capabilities. This is referring to businesses having a competitive advantage. Our company can be able to implement this pillar by checking and monitoring our system upgrades for our business. All of these pillars help with building and forming our business for its expansion across the internet.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

B2E Electronic Commerce 5.3

This image above is an Intranet Diagram which shows a client using the firewall to send certain information across the internet to the server/receiver. It also incorporates the VPN , the Virtual Private Network to insure privacy of the information when sending it across the internet to the server. The intranet diagram uses the same networking systems as the extranet network.

B2B Electronic Commerce 5.2

The image above displays an Extranet Diagram which shows the connection with the client/server and 2 firms using the internet to be able to transport different pieces of information. They transport the information using a VPN, a Virtual Private Network which ensures the privacy of the information being sent across the internet. The Firewall displayed above is like a "gatekeeper" which allows security and authenticates certain users to access the information.

B2C Critique Your Competitor’s E-Commerce Website 5.1

The website that I chose to evaluate was www.ikea.com. Ikea is a Click-and Mortar B2C. This is a website that advertises furniture for different rooms in the house. For example, a kitchen, living room, family room, and even a child's room. The different rules that this website uses all 6 of the listed rules. It offers something unique, its aesthetically pleasing, its easy to use, it also motivates people to visit, it advertises their presence on the web, and a customer can learn from the website. I would rate this website a 4 out of 5. I would give the website this rating because it is an appealing website that would make a customer like me to come back and purchase. When you search for Ikea on a search engine such as google, you would find that the website shows up on the list of results.

Entity Relationship Diagram 4.4

 The diagram above shows an example of an Entity Relationship Diagram. The first entity describes the specifics of the invoice. In an invoice it has different records that contains the customers information. Each record contains attributes that describes what the customer purchases, or just basic information about that customer. The customers information is usually entered into an database table holding their data. The diagram above shows the relationship between the information on the invoice, and the information of the customer and the information and description of the product that the customer purchases.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Packet Switching Technology 4.3

The diagram above is a Packet Switching image that show how information gets broken up into pieces and sent by the client/server through the router. It displays concurrent data, which the job of sending the message and correcting it happens simultaneously. For the information to be sent correctly and on time, Packet Switching Technology is used. The message gets broken up into packages and gets put into the hands of TCP and IP. The IP and TCP have different roles regarding getting the information sent properly. The IP data-gram depends on the IP address, the address assigned to the computers and routers, otherwise the information would get lost. TCP helps the IP deliver the packets.